Friday, May 6, 2011

Mauritius most romantic exotic islands in the world.

 Mauritius is one of the most romantic exotic islands in the world. And it is not only because of the white sand, dramatic sunsets over the ocean and palm trees in the style of “Bounty.” The entire infrastructure of this mini-state is there to ensure that your vacation here will be unforgettable and impressive.
Located on the southwest coast of Africa, Indian Ocean, Mauritius is a unique spot that represents a mixture of different cultures. And this idea is rather reasonable. It was discovered at the beginning of the XVI century by the Portuguese. After almost a century, the uninhabited island passed into the hands of the Dutch who named it in honor of the Prince Maurice of Orange. In contrast to the Portuguese, the Dutch decided to start using the land. They arranged sugarcane plantations and brought slaves from the neighboring Madagascar to work there.
In 1715, Mauritius passed into the hands of the French, and after Napoleon’s problems began in 1810, it became a British colony. It was then when the island government decided to make a statement that the Indians and Chinese are invited here as “guest workers” to replace the black slaves (those were released by the British based on the declaration of freedom). Slaves weren’t able to get back to the mainland of Africa, since it was too expensive, that’s the main reason why they stayed on that beautiful island. And after the establishment of the Mauritius as an independent state they all lived there and still do, in peace and harmony.
Most of the Afro-Americans, ethnic Indians and Chinese work on the plantations and in the hotels for the descendants of French and British colonialists, who own almost all of the land. Tourists from all over the world feel safe there and do not get bothered by any kind of discrimination.

The majority of tourists come here with their beloved ones to enjoy only each other’s company and to relax together. And for this exact reason you will find lots of interesting and exotic offers here: luxurious five-star resort hotel with beautiful interiors, huge green areas, gourmet restaurants and SPA-centers, and the good old colonial aesthetics, which is spilled here everywhere. Colony is gone, but the planters remained here, and so did the plants. You can find there the local sugar cane, used to make the famous Mauritian sugar and the no less famous rum; the Queen  is still the main ruler there. No less interesting fact is that the national heroes here are Paul and Virginia: a couple of lovers who arrived to the island among the first French colonialists, but were separated by a tragic shipwreck.
In addition to the fabulous beaches with volcanic entourage, there are many interesting places and activities on the island. It’s nice to explore the cuisine of Mauritius, which is influenced by the traditions of all of the nationalities living there. There you can dine in the finest French traditions, e.g. the restaurant Alain Ducasse Spoon des Iles at the One & Only Le Saint Geran, or try the local Indo- and Afro-Mauritian specialties: a salad called Millionaire, which is prepared from the heart of palm trunk, vindae — a national dish made of octopus marinated in white wine and green papaya (restaurant Vamboo, Hotel Four Seasons).

Individual attention, local rum and black tea (Mauritians are traditionally adding a little bit of cinnamon, vanilla and cardamom to both drinks), and, of course, cane sugar, which is not just a sugar substitute! It is produced with two dozen varieties throughout the palette of shades — from ivory (Golden) to coffee (Demerara). The latter, incidentally, is perfect for tea parties instead of honey because it has warming properties and excellent tones. On the history of sugar-rum culture you will be told at the Museum of Sugar and Rum Museum in all of the details. The process of their production will also be explained.
In Mauritius you can even find a wide list of hunting areas. The most visited location is the forest Domaine du Chasseur. The place is being visited by the presidents of different countries and even the local royalty. By the way, there you will find deliciously cooked venison! As for those who do want to preserve the nature instead of using it as food, they should definitely have a visit to the admirable exotic plants and giant turtles which are all located in the Botanical Gardens Pamplemousses.
Hotels in Mauritius offer a fairly wide selection of SPA-procedures. For example, Four Seasons works on natural cosmetics Sundari (produced in the Indian ayurvedic tradition) and offers “sweet” ritual with a scrub made of brown sugar and massage sticks made of sugar cane. In Le Saint Geran One & Only you will find the reigning British brand ESPA; while Le Prince Maurice is working on products of special SPA-line Guerlain with pure European approach, Oberoi offers treatments based on Creole rituals with local oils and creams, made from ylang-ylang, lemongrass, cedar and other plants growing on the island, and in the Grand Mauritian all guests are greeted with the Thai massage of the neck, right in the lobby! This means that the great mood is simply guaranteed.


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